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Medina Mannen School, Gambia
Update from The Coyle Family
The cake sale held raised a massive £187.50 towards shipping the boxes!! Our cost of shipping was £100.00 & our boxes & tape cost £20 leaving us £67.50 towards the next shipment. I also have one box & tape left over too so it has been a real success.
The shipment should arrive in Banjul soon I’m not sure how long it will take to clear customs but I am looking forward to receiving photos of the children in their uniforms. I’ve attached a picture of Oscar with the boxes on the morning we took them to the shipping depot’.
The boxes had arrived at Medina Mannen School and they sent lots of photos. Here are just a couple. Once again, thank you so much for your donations.
By Oscar & Lalita Coyle
Our family went to The Gambia on holiday, we were really excited as we had never been to Africa before. There was lots of amazing things to see & do. We stroked crocodiles, shared our sun loungers with monkeys, fed vultures & caught weird fish in the Gambian River.
For an extra special trip while in The Gambia, our mum & dad had organised for us to bring gifts to our twinned school ‘Medina Mannen’ on Christmas Eve.
Class 5 had donated lots of pens, pencils, calculators, footballs & skipping ropes among other things.
Medina Mannen is a similar size to St. John’s with just over 200 pupils. There is also a nursery for younger children.
The Headmaster is called Bajaiteh Sonko, he is a really kind, smiling man who wore a pink baseball cap.
The children rely heavily on clothing donations & we found some children with St John’s jumpers on.
St John’s has been collecting old uniform for Gambia which will be sent out to them very soon.