
Welcome to St John's
“Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus on whom our faith depends from beginning to end." Hebrews 12v1-2.
For our virtual tour and admissions information please go to the Admissions tab on the lefthand side.
Welcome to St John the Baptist C. of E. V.A. Primary School
Our website aims to provide you with an insight into the life of our school and what makes it such a special place for those who teach, learn and work here, as well as providing helpful and up-to-date information. If you require a paper copy of any of this information please contact the school office.
St John's is a one form entry Voluntary Aided primary school that enjoys strong links with St John the Baptist Church and the Diocese of St Albans. The children attend the church at least twice a term and a member of the church team leads Collective Worship in school once a week.
Our principal aim is to provide children with the best possible education, underpinned by Christian values. We recognise that each child is unique and therefore seek to provide for their individual academic, emotional, social and spiritual needs. In order to do this we work closely in partnership with parents and families.
The curriculum we provide is broad and stimulating, with many opportunities for first hand experiences and trips to engage all learners. We also encourage our pupils to actively contribute to our school community by leading groups, taking on roles of responsibility and caring for each other. We are very proud of all that goes on here.
We warmly welcome visitors and would be delighted to have you visit us and see all that we do. If you would like to come make an appointment through the school office and I would be happy to show you around.
Miss L Hunt
Quick Links
Quick link to Purple Mash.
Quick link to Mathletics.