Frequently Asked Questions

The School Office is open each day from 8.30 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
Medical Issues
What shall I do if my child is ill?
Please telephone the school before 9 a.m. and then follow this up with a brief explanatory note when he/she returns. Our school will contact parents if we do not have an explanation of absence. If an absence has not been subsequently explained in writing once your child returns the school will contact you requesting an explanation.
Please see the following page for further information:
What should I do if I need to take my child to the Doctor/Dentist etc., during the school day?
Routine appointments such as dental check-ups should be made in the school holidays or after school hours. If you do need to take your child out of school for an appointment, please notify the school by letter in advance, if possible. Please come to the main office to notify the office staff that you have arrived to collect your child. Your child can then be signed out. (This is essential for fire safety precautions etc.) If your child returns during the school day, they should also be signed back in again.
What should I do if my child needs prescribed medication during the school day?
We trust that all children will be kept at home until they are fully fit to return to school.
If your child returns to school before a course of medicine is completed and it is not possible for you to arrange for your child to complete this outside school hours (i.e. prescribed 4 or more times per day) you will be asked to complete a ‘One off Medications Register’ form available from the school office. This is kept as a record of medication administered to your child within school hours. The school will endeavour to give the medication to your child at the appropriate time.
For long term medication requirements i.e inhaler, Epi-Pen, you will be asked to complete both a ‘Parental Agreement for School to Administer Medicine’ and an ‘Individual Healthcare Plan’ form. A meeting will be arranged to discuss the requirements with the Head Teacher.
Hertfordshire schools are strongly recommended not to administer any non-prescription medication such as aspirin, paracetamol, etc. children are not allowed to have medication with them, including throat sweets, creams, etc.
Arriving / Leaving School
The whistle is blown at 8.50 a.m. Children should not arrive at school before 8.30 a.m. Please collect your children promptly at 3.15 p.m. (or at the stated time if they are attending clubs). Children should be reminded on a regular basis to come back into school and let their class teacher know if the adult collecting them is not there.
If your child is going home with someone other than the parent or carer who would normally collect them, please leave a message in the message book, at the beginning of the day. This is found in the school entrance area. If arrangements change during the day please contact the school office.
Children in KS1 (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) must be collected from their respective pick up points at the end of the day. They will not be allowed to leave until an adult is present to collect them.
What should I do if my child is late?
If your child arrives after the whistle has gone at 8.50 a.m. they will need to enter school via the school office and they must be signed in by the adult bringing them to school. If they arrive between 8.50 a.m. and 9.00 a.m. they will receive a ‘Late’ mark in the register, if they arrive after 9.00 a.m. they will receive a ‘Late after registers closed’ mark/ unauthorised absence mark.
Travelling To and From School
Where can I park?
Parents are encouraged to access the school on foot wherever possible. If you have no choice but to travel by car please park considerately in the netball court and parish hall car park. Please keep the turning area clear in the mornings. Please do NOT park in Hillside Lane as this makes the road unsafe for pedestrians and blocks access to other properties around the school. Please drive at a safe speed along Hillside Lane as it is narrow and used by pedestrians as well as cars.
Can my child bring their bike/scooter to school?
We currently have a bike rack which accommodates 14 bikes on site for children’s use. These are offered on a first come, first served basis. Places can be reserved each term through a return slip attached the first newsletter of the term. Please contact the school office if you require a space during the term. All cycles, helmets and safety tabards are the responsibility of parents when left on the school grounds and must be locked at all times.
Payments to School
Most payments are made through School Money. Upon joining school parents will be given a password to access this. Once a payment has been set up an alert will be sent to you. There is a shop within School Money where you can purchase school uniform.
If you do need to send money/cheque into school please put this into an envelope (this can be a second hand envelope) and write on your child’s name and the event the money is for. This can be placed in the box by the office window or given to a member of the office staff. Cheques should be made payable to ‘St John the Baptist School’.
Dinner Money
School Money alerts will be sent out requesting payment, please ensure that you pay this promptly. Any child who has built up £20 for unpaid meals will be asked to change to Packed Lunches until the debt has been paid. If you are unable to access School Money cheques should be made payable to ‘Hertfordshire Catering Ltd’.
Milk Money
School Money alerts will be sent out requesting payment. If you are unable to access School Money cheques should be made payable to ‘HCC’.
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Any person has a right to ask the school for access to information it holds. A valid Freedom of Information request should be in writing (email is acceptable), stating enquirer’s name and correspondence address and describe the information requested.
The school has a duty to provide advice and assistance to anyone requesting information. Requests should be dealt with within 20 working days excluding school holidays. Information, including children’s personal records, will of course be exempt. A small charge, appropriate to the cost of copying, may be made.
Complaints Procedure
How do I voice a concern/complaint?
We encourage parents to share worries or concerns with us. Most problems can be resolved through discussion, firstly with the class teacher and then the Head Teacher or Deputy Head Teacher.
The Governors do have arrangements for considering complaints formally. Our complaints procedures follow Hertfordshire County Council guidelines. An information leaflet is available on this website under ‘Statutory Information’ then ‘School Policies’.