Who We Are And What We Do!
The PTFA is the Parent, Teacher, and Friends Association, and our primary objective is to raise funds for the children at St John’s (though we are also a good mechanism for sharing ideas between parents, teachers and friends of the school). We are an inclusive group and always welcome new members and ideas (and aren’t at all like some people’s preconceptions, or the snooty, exclusive cliques of ‘do-gooders’ as you might see on films such as ‘Bad Moms’!). We rely upon both our corporate sponsors for subsidising events and giving great raffle prizes, and on our brilliant parent volunteers who can’t necessarily commit to the meetings, but are prepared to give up their time and enthusiasm helping at events.
We are aiming to implement a class rep system with 2 reps per year if possible. If you have any queries about the PTFA or want to get involved at all, please contact any of the team if you have children in the school already, or direct your query to the school office who will forward it to the most relevant contact.
Our fundraising over the last few years has led to the school being able to buy a variety of beneficial items such as playground equipment and basketball hoops, white boards and ipads for the classrooms, and a coffee machine for the school reception. Our next target is to raise money for an outdoor learning ‘School Forest’ area for the children. We are also providing a donation per class for the children to decide what they might need in the way of board games and books for the library.
Whilst fundraising is core to what we do, we always intend to make it an enjoyable process – and the children have particularly enjoyed our Movie Nights, Father’s Day Manic Ceramics event, school discos and Christmas and Summer Fetes over the last year.
One Easy Way You Can Help (just by doing your online shopping):
Please, if you do nothing else, do this, as it is ‘easy money’… When you next shop online from the likes of Amazon, eBay, Asda, John Lewis, notonthehighstreet.com and 1000’s of other online retailers, please sign up to www.TheGivingMachine.co.uk which will generate FREE donations for the PTFA with every online purchase you make. Just go to the website; join as a ‘giver’ and search for St John the Baptist, Herts, and the rest is straightforward. So far we have only had 16 givers, and we could easily have 300! One primary school made over £750 in a year for their PTA in by getting the buy in from the parents – so please help!
Forthcoming Events
There are no events organised at the moment.