Year 1
20th January 2025
This week, we took part in a toys workshop. Maria from Hertford museum brought a range of toys from a variety of decades. We were able to investigate a variety of toys. We thought about what they were made of, who would play with them and do we have these toys now.

20th January 2025
This week In year 1 we have been busy learning about the Story of Mr Postmouse, the children have enjoyed engaging in activities based on the story. In maths we have been learning about the days of the week, months of the year.
In history this week we compared toys from different decades.
In Year 1 this week, we have been continuing to read the story of “Farmer Duck”. We have been writing for different purposes, which have included writing lists and label as well as writing in sentences to write about the events in the story and to write invitations. We have been remembering to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
In Maths this week, we have been thinking about recognising number patterns without counting the children know this as subitising e.g. like the dots on a dice or dominoes.
In Science, we have been looking at materials and this week we discussed what materials feel like e.g. the glass on a window is smooth, fabric is soft etc.
In R.E. we have been learning about the story of the lost son.
In History, we have been role playing what we would have said to King Richard II.

2nd October 2024

This week in English we have enjoyed reading the story "Where’s My Teddy?". We have written our own labels, lists and sentence captions. We even had a go at changing the characters in the story to make up our own stories. In maths we have been learning about counting and how to use a tens frame. As well as how to make amounts to ten. In R.E. we having been looking at the story of the lost son and discussing how the father and sons felt. We have been enjoying our new topic, and in art we have been looking at brick patterns.
20th September 2024
13th September 2024
This week in English we have enjoyed reading the story "A Plenty Of Love To Go Round". We have written our own labels, lists and captions. In maths we have been learning about directions and positions. As well as how to order numbers. We have started looking at our topic of castles in History and this week we learnt about the Bayeux tapestry and the battle of Hastings.