Year 1
Summer Term Week 6
The children have thoroughly enjoyed Sports Week this week. They have tried out lots of new sports, ranging from shimming and sliding in Bollywood dancing, balancing and manoeuvring on the scooters, perfecting their aim and control in Ultimate Frisbee and strengthening their muscles in pilates.
Aswell as this, in Maths we have been continuing our learning of how to solve mathematical word problems. The children have enjoyed making up their own.
Summer Term Week 4
Year One enjoyed a sports morning at Sele School, where they took part in lots of agility activities.
In Science we have been learning about amphibians and fish and comparing the types of amphibians and fish in the UK to other parts of the world. You will find some activities about this on purple mash.
In Maths, we have been learning how to solve word problems and how to record when we subtract.
Summer Term Week 3
This week the children have been learning about poetry. The children have enjoyed learning the poem about the colour purple and have enjoyed bringing in their own objects which are purple. In order to write their own poem.
In Maths, we have been learning about finding the missing part. In science we have been learning about reptiles and identifying what makes a reptile. In art we have been looking at artists who draw and paint pictures of flora and fauna. The children enjoyed experiencing mixing a range of shades in order to paint pictures of a variety of plants.
Summer Term Week 1
As part of our learning in English this week we have been looking at the life cycles of bugs and we have been reading the book Tad.
We have also made up our own bugs by combing two bugs together! We learnt how to use describing words within our writing.
In maths we have been learning to make the same amounts using a combination of different numbers.
In science we are starting to learn about animals.
STEM Tree Challenge
Miss Morrish Challenged us to create a tree using only paper. We worked in groups to do this.
18th March 2024
This week in year one we have enjoyed looking at our new non-fiction text in English. The big book of bugs by Yuval Zommer. The children have learnt about the different parts of a non-fiction book e.g. title, headings and captions. In maths we have been counting back from 20. In science we are very excited that are beans are growing. We have been identifying the different parts of the bean plant. In R.E. we have continued our learning of the Easter story. We made story wheels to identify the different parts of the story and Rev Sarah came and shared the story with us too.
4th March 2024
This week the children have been enjoying our new story Jasper’s beanstalk. They have enjoyed reading about and re-calling what happens to Jasper’s bean. This has tied in with us re-calling the days of the week and ordering them in maths as well as learning about plants in science.
We looked at Jasper’s bean stalk and labelled the different parts and discussed what plants need in order to grow.
In English the children practised reading chorally and wrote their own predictions about what may happen to Jasper’s beanstalk.
We also enjoyed celebrating world book day. The children liked reading to their teddies and sharing books with their parents and year 4. As well as making mini books, book marks and listening to lots of stories.
26th February 2024
This week we have been finishing off our story of Little red and the very hungry lion, the children have enjoyed pretending to be the lion and interviewing him. They wrote their own questions and then acted out being either the lion or the interviewer.
In maths we are looking at 3d shapes, the children have learnt that 3d shapes are solid shapes and many of these we can find in everyday objects. They also learnt that most 3d shapes have faces and vertices.
In geography we have been looking at different types of homes. The children enjoyed identifying which type of home they live and they learnt the differences between detached, semi detached and terraced houses as well as looking at other types of homes such as bungaglows,flats,caravans.
9th February 2024
This week in P.S.H.E. we have been continuing our theme of keeping safe. We had a great discussion about medicines. We talked about where medicines are kept, who uses medicines, when do we need medicines and what you should do if you find medicines.
In Maths we have learnt that ten ones are equal to one ten. We also learnt about ten and some more. We learnt how to organise amounts using counters and number rods into tens and ones.
31st January 2024
Last week, Year 1 were reading "The Last Noo Noo!".
The children have enjoyed acting out scenes from the story and coming up with their own endings.
In Maths we have been playing games and practising recalling odd and even numbers, and practising how to write our numbers to 20.
Design and Technology
In Design and Technology, Year 1 have been learning how to make moving pictures. They have learnt how to make sliders to make pictures move in a straight line and leavers with a pivot to make pictures move in a direction.