Year 4
Spring Term Part 2
Year 4 have been enjoying producing writing linked to the book ‘Fly, Eagle, Fly’. We have been developing our descriptive writing, using adverbial phrases and expanded noun phrases.
We have been learning to play Rapid Fire cricket and a team of children will be attending the local schools’ competition next week. In maths we are exploring shape and symmetry and of course, improving our recall of all our times tables facts!
We will continue to learn about ‘Natural Disasters’, continuing our work on volcanoes from last half term.
Spring Term Part 1
Year 4 have been enjoying our poetry texts in our Whole Class Reading sessions. They are gaining confidence in performance reading and love adding actions to go with our poems! Their fluency and prosody is really improving too.
They are also continuing to develop their writing skills, learning how to make sentences more descriptive and interesting by using figurative language and writers’ tricks such as the Rule of 3.
In maths we are learning to interpret data on bar charts and line graphs.
Year 4 enjoy their weekly guitar lessons and love sharing what they can play.


Autumn Term Part 4
Year 4 were really excited today when Father Christmas appeared in the classroom with gifts! They were so pleased with their new books and they are already going home to be read over the holiday. They will prove to be popular choices from the Y4 book corner!

Autumn Term part 3
Today we have been practising our cutting skills using the bridge and claw methods. We were cutting salad items ready to make our Christmas party sandwiches and wraps as part of our DT work. We also used graters to grate carrots. We then designed our product for another person in the class.

We have also been improving our understanding of multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100 in maths and solving questions involving missing numbers.

Autumn Term part 2
Year 4 have really enjoyed writing their stories based on the book FArTHER by Grahams Baker-Smith. We have made an anthology of the stories which is now in our reading corner for us all to share.
We are looking forward to getting into our next unit of work, ‘Leon and the Place Between’ which will enable us to improve both our persuasive and our descriptive writing skills. We will be sharing this writing with other children in the school, who will be our chosen audience for when we write our narratives.
Year 4 are really enjoying learning about the Bronze age and how life changed for people after the Stone age; when new technologies were developed and people started to use metals to make tools, objects and jewellery.
Year 4 are really enjoying the artwork they are creating using charcoal. We have been taking cave painting as our inspiration.
Autumn Term
This term has started really well. We spent time discussing what to do when they get stuck and the children completed their own Learning Pits and went on to share strategies for facing challenges. We now have lots of great inspiring posters and messages around the classroom to ensure a growth mindset.
At the moment we are exploring ways to add and subtract mentally and are developing our fluency and reasoning skills with regular fluency practice. In English we are developing our sentence structure and writing like readers. We are learning to use lots of writers’ tricks like using figurative language and the Rule of 3 to improve our descriptive writing.
Stone Age
All the children have loved learning about the Stone Age and understand what life was like for people in those times. We are learning about rocks and soil in Science and some of the children have brought in fossils and rocks from their collections at home.

This week we have been reading the poem Paean (or Eleven uses for a Garden Pea) from the National Poetry day resources. The children explored different everyday objects to work out what other uses they could have, then created their own list poems. We shared them and gave each other feedback on what was good and how to improve their performance.