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PSHE - Volunteers

The children have been learning about volunteers and who they are in PSHE. The children have drawn a volunteer and labelled what they have done. We have put this up in our class to remind us to be thankful for all the volunteers around us.


The Iron Man

We have been reading the Iron Man by Ted Hughes in our English lessons. The children are planning to create their own version of the ending of the story. They worked collaboratively to create ideas. 

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Stay and Read Session

The children loved our first stay and read session. They were eager to share their books with their parents. Thank you to all the parents who spent the morning with us! We look forward to seeing you all regularly on a Friday morning.

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World Book Day

The children enjoyed swapping their books on world book day. They all got to take a new book to try! Some had to negotiate who got what book (some deciding to play rock paper scissors).

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The children really enjoyed learning about Ulf the finger eater. They all got to rewrite the story adding their own ideas. This is their amazing work up on display in our classroom! Can you spot your own work?

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The children have been learning about column subtraction. They have enjoyed playing the game ‘regroupy’ where they compete to make the smallest difference by subtracting two three digit numbers.


English- Aesop's Fables

The children have been learning about fables in English. They put their acting and reading skills to the test by performing a fable from our Aesop’s Fables book. The children did a fantastic job and really entertained their peers with their humorous acting.

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