Year 6
29th January 2025
In art this week, we experimented using continuous line drawing. We chose an item to draw such as a grater, rock or plant. We had 5 minutes to draw the item but we had to make sure that the pen didn’t leave the paper at any point. We concentrated on allowing the pen to move smoothly as our eyes moved over the object and making sure we noticed the details of our item.
By the end of the session we were all feeling more confident drawing and we are looking forward to the next session, where we will be using the same techniques to draw a portrait of one of our classmates.

10th December 2024
Today, Year 6 took part in a PSHE workshop run by SCARF. The session was called Wellbeing Warriors in the Online World and the children spent time exploring how to keep themselves and others safe and happy when online.
We discussed how it can be difficult to know how someone is feeling when you can’t see their face and ways that we can avoid misunderstandings. The children learnt about the difference between misinformation and disinformation and thought carefully about where they should look for information and which sources to trust.
The session ended with a special guest appearance from Harold the Giraffe!

8th November 2024
In Science this week, we have planned, carried out and recorded investigations to see how the soles of different shoes affect their grip on different surfaces. We used Newton Meters to measure the force (friction) exerted when we pulled the show across the surface. We found that generally speaking the deeper soles had a better grip on all surfaces.
The children worked well collaboratively to make sure that the investigation was fair and to record their results accurately.

18th October 2024
In Science this week, we have planned, carried out and recorded investigations to see how the soles of different shoes affect their grip on different surfaces. We used Newton Meters to measure the force (friction) exerted when we pulled the show across the surface. We found that generally speaking the deeper soles had a better grip on all surfaces.
The children worked well collaboratively to make sure that the investigation was fair and to record their results accurately.

17th September 2024
We started our topic looking at the Victorian Era by ordering dates. We learnt some fascinating facts including that the first ice cream was invented in 1851. We then went on to learn about Queen Victoria and produce fact sheets about her reign. She was the longest reigning monarch until Queen Elizabeth ll overtook her on 9th September 2015.