Physical Education (P.E.)
Intent: How we Plan and Structure P.E.
At St John the Baptist Primary School we believe that Physical Education is a vital and unique contribution to a pupil’s physical and emotional development and health.
Children will develop these areas in a safe supportive environment promoting wellbeing and a healthy attitude to life. It is our intent to deliver high-quality physical education lessons using the National Curriculum and as a school we want to develop pupils’ physical competence and confidence, promote physical skills, development and knowledge of the body in action.
We also believe that the physical education in school promotes a balance of individual, team, co-operative and competitive activities aims to cater for individual pupil’s needs and abilities. The Complete PE schemes of work is based on progressive learning outcomes, which, combined with varied and inclusive teaching styles, endeavour to provide appropriate, stimulating, challenging and enjoyable learning situations for pupils. Encouraging children to persevere with the development of skills and be able to develop these skills at their own pace.
Implementation: How we Teach P.E.
P.E. at St Johns provides children with challenging and enjoyable learning through a range of activities including fundamental movement and ball skills, dance, gymnastics, invasion, striking and fielding games, swimming and outdoor education activities.
Children take part in 2 high quality P.E. lessons per week, covering 2 different types of activities every term. We also provide a variety of extracurricular actives during lunchtime and after school clubs.
At St Johns we encourage children to take part in competitive sporting events within the local area. These events are inclusive, encouraging children to develop their own physical development and wellbeing. Children in Years 4 and 5 swim once a week during 2 terms. These lessons teach the children to swim, become stronger swimmers and how to stay safe in the water.
Each year we hold a sports week in which outside companies are invited into school to give the children a taster session of a wide range of activities, some of which will be completely new to some children. This is to encourage children to find an activity they enjoy to pursue outside of school promoting a healthy active lifestyle as they mature.
Impact: How we Identify Children's Progress
St John's teachers are committed to motivate children to participate in a variety of sports though high quality teaching that is fun and engaging. The lessons will promote positive attitudes towards, health, hygiene and fitness, develop communication skills, encouraging the use of correct terminology to promote effective co-operation.
Teachers encourage participation in P.E. lessons and competitive sport in order to develop resilience, determination, perseverance and inter-personal skills and we hope to equip our children with the necessary skills and love for sports. throughout each unit children assess how well pupil's are developing the requisite skills and adapt lessons apprpriately.
Encouraging our children to develop skills at their own pace and preserve to achieve the best they can, referring to our school vision ‘Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus on whom our faith depends from beginning to end’ and in turn growing up to lead happy and healthy lifestyles utilising the skills and knowledge acquired through P.E.