Worship with St John the Baptist Church
Church Worship
Our school enjoys close links with St John the Baptist Church. Each Wednesday a member of the Church's School Worship Team comes into school and leads worship, with support from the pupil Collective Worship Team. Rev. Sarah often comes into school to visit our classes and the children particularly enjoy her Godly Play sessions. At least twice a term we attend the church to celebrate key Christian festivals.
Harvest Festival 2023

We enjoyed the opportunity to celebrate our Harvest Festival in St John the Baptist Church for the first time since October 2019. Our Year 6 children showed our Reception class the way we walk to church and helped them place their Harvest gifts at the altar. Children from each class shared what they had been learning about God's generosity through the gift of Creation. Rev. Sarah helped us to reflect on the importance of sharing God's gifts with others.

Reception Welcome Service 2023
It was a privilege to welcome our Reception Class and their parents to worship with us at our annual Reception Welcome service. Rev. Sarah reminded the pupils, parents, Year 6 Worship Team and staff that St John's is their church and they are always welcome to come there. The children were also presented with a book which shared stories from the bible with them, and a copy of the school prayer so that they can share this with their parents. thank you for joining us parents.

Holy Week Service
On the last day of the spring term we processed to church behin the cross, carried by Shay and Oakley. Shay had recently played Jesus in Year 4 and 5's passion play. During the service Year 2 shared wreathes they had made. The wreathes retold the events of Holy Week. Rev. Dr Sarah Forrest led us in refellecting on how Jesus' death was part of God's perfect plan for us.
Ash Wednesday service
On Wednesday, we walked down to church for our Ash Wednesday Service. With Reception having been the only class to have attended a service in church this academic year, they led the way and showed us what to do. It was good to be back in church altogether. Mrs Woodall led the service and talked to us about Lent and the tradition of either giving things up or taking on new habits to help people. Those children who wanted had an ash cross placed on their forehead.
Christmas Service
With the church tower renovations still going on Rev. Sarah came and led our Christmas Service in school. We all really enjoyed the Godly Play story, which got us all wondering about the importance of each person that first Christmas time.
The choir did get to worship in St John's Church, having been invited to participate in the church's evening Carol Service.
Unfortunately, we were unable to attend St John the Baptist Church for our Harvest Festival due to restoration work on the tower. Rev. Sarah came into school to lead our service through Godly play. We had generous donations of food which were taken to the foodbank as well as financial donations that went to Bishop Alan's Harvest Appeal.